Tutorial Tuesday: Long/Short Stitch

We are SO excited about this Tuesday Tutorial Embroidery Stitch Along series this year. It’s been truly incredible how many of you have been participating this month already. We are ready for our second tutorial which is actually 2 Parts!

Long/Short Stitch Embroidery Tutorial

Below are both Parts and the text within each video so you can follow along each step of the way! We are filling in the second row of the free downloadable printable!

Above video is Part 1.

Start by using 6 strands of 934 and filling in the top half of the square with uneven vertical stitches. Then using 6 strands of 934, fill in the rest of the square using the same vertical stitches, letting the stitches overlap a bit where they meet.

Now fill in the circle using the same technique but using 3 strands of 934 on the top, 3 strands of 3011 in the middle, and 3 strands of 950 on the bottom. Instead of perfectly vertical stitches, use the guidelines to let your stitches follow the curve of the circle.

You’ll notice these stitches are shorter to allow for a better curve. Still allow your stitches to overlap where the colors meet. I like to pull my thread through the previous layer instead of stitching into a layer.

Now watch Part 2 below to make it smoother.

Below is Part 2.

Now using 3 strands of 934, follow the guidelines and fill in the outer half of the leaf.

Then using 2 strands of 3011 and fill in the 2/3 of the remaining white space. Still allow the stitches to overlap, coming through the dark green at the start of each stitch. Keep the angles close to the same to keep it more seamless.

Then using one strand of 950, fill in the remainder of the leaf. Each stitch should come through the previous mid-tone stitches.

To make it all fade together, use 1 strand of 3011and “shade” where the colors meet. You can use long and short stitch to stitch the stem (or you can use whipped back stitch from last week)