Tutorial Tuesday: Chain Stitch

Welcome to February’s Tutorial Tuesdays!! We’re ready for more stitches to improve and a new mini project that brings them all together!

This week is the Chain Stitch

It’s an easy one to do, but looks complicated with its interlocking appearance.

This week we’re working the chain stitch. Here I am using 3 strands of floss.

Start by pulling your floss all the way through the fabric until the knot catches, then run your needle through the same spot and pull the floss through. This creates the loop!

Before pulling your floss all the way through, bring the needle through the loop, about one stitch lengths away from the beginning of your loop. Then pull the floss through, and that is the beginning of your next loop. Repeat this over and over! Experiment with different stitch length as you fill in the line.

As you practice the other shapes, keep your stitches short and tight around the curves. The tighter the curve, the smaller your stitches should be.

You did it! Join us next week for another fun stitch!

Don’t forget to grab your February free download for Tutorial Tuesdays and our $12 supply kit for this month’s tutorials!!