Rest & Renewal Embroidery Kit

Rest & Renewal Embroidery Kit


Rest & Renewal Embroidery Kit is a celebration of new life that Spring brings! With the first signs of life being dandelion and violets (as well as many other wild “weeds”) I wanted to celebrate the JOY that spring always brings to my home. Spring always feels like a biiiiig, deep breath of fresh air! This it explores some beginner thread painting and layered embroidered stitches as well! I hope that you’ll have so much fun stitching this project.

Our kits include a high-quality instruction booklet and pattern that you can reuse again and again. This DIY kit offers all materials needed for stitching your own embroidery project from start to finish. The workbook includes tips, tricks, photos, and step by step instruction to help you start your embroidery journey or further your skills. This kit is great for beginners and seasoned stitchers alike.

This kit includes:

  • Instructions booklet for tracing your pattern, loading your hoop, stitching the design and suggested techniques.

  • Traceable pattern that can be used over and over

  • Cotton fabric square

  • 1 Embroidery Needle

  • 6 strand Embroidery Floss

  • 4in Wooden Embroidery Hoop

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